Yelp is a web application created to connect people with great local businesses. It is useful for finding restaurants, bars, and various types of services. The site features reviews of an active and well-informed local community.

In this post, I’ll describe a scraping script that extracts information about the restaurants in San Francisco from Yelp.

Also, I present a data cleaning process and data analysis of restaurants by location.

Scraping data from using requests and BeautifulSoup

In this scraping script, I will take the following information for each San Francisco’s restaurant:

  • name
  • neighborhood
  • address
  • phone
  • reviews
# Import packages
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Request header
headers = {"User-Agent": "Chrome/68.0.3440.106"}

# Request parameters
parameters = {
    'find_desc': 'Restaurants',
    'find_loc':'San Francisco CA',

# Yelp search url

# Get the number of pages return by request (Ex: 'Page 1 of 34') 
# Each page shows 30 items
response = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
# Create BeautifulSoup Object
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# Extract the number of pages
string_pages = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'page-of-pages arrange_unit arrange_unit--fill'})[0].text
number_of_pages = int(string_pages.split('of ')[1])

# Variable that stores the data
data = []

# Start page
pagination = 0

# For each pagination extract the items
for i in range(number_of_pages):

    # Produces the request and saves the response
    response=requests.get(url, params=parameters)
    # Create a Soup object
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    # count 30 pages
    #count = 1

    print('Extract data ... page {} from {}'.format(int(pagination/30)+1, number_of_pages))

    # Extract the info
    for a in soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class':'media-story'}):

        # Validate if the info exists
            address = a.find('address').text.strip()
            address = ''

            name = a.find('a', attrs={'class':'biz-name js-analytics-click'}).text
            name = ''

            reviews = a.find('span', attrs={'class':'review-count rating-qualifier'}).text.strip().split()[0]
            reviews = ''

            phone = a.find('span', attrs={'class':'biz-phone'}).text.strip()
            phone = ''

            neighborhood = a.find('span', attrs={'class':'neighborhood-str-list'}).text.strip()
            neighborhood = ''

        # Saves info in a dictionary
        info = {
        'name' : name,
        'reviews' : reviews,
        'phone' : phone,
        'address' : address,
        'neighborhood' : neighborhood
        # saves dictionary in the data variable

        # Each page shows 30 items, but the Soup Object find more (garbage)
        # To avoid some erros in processing, This code guarantees that only 30 items will be scraped
        #count += 1
        #if count == 30: break

    # Increment the start item ID (pagination)
    parameters['start'] = pagination
Extract data ... page 1 from 34
Extract data ... page 2 from 34
Extract data ... page 3 from 34
Extract data ... page 4 from 34
Extract data ... page 5 from 34
Extract data ... page 6 from 34
Extract data ... page 7 from 34
Extract data ... page 8 from 34
Extract data ... page 9 from 34
Extract data ... page 10 from 34
Extract data ... page 11 from 34
Extract data ... page 12 from 34
Extract data ... page 13 from 34
Extract data ... page 14 from 34
Extract data ... page 15 from 34
Extract data ... page 16 from 34
Extract data ... page 17 from 34
Extract data ... page 18 from 34
Extract data ... page 19 from 34
Extract data ... page 20 from 34
Extract data ... page 21 from 34
Extract data ... page 22 from 34
Extract data ... page 23 from 34
Extract data ... page 24 from 34
Extract data ... page 25 from 34
Extract data ... page 26 from 34
Extract data ... page 27 from 34
Extract data ... page 28 from 34
Extract data ... page 29 from 34
Extract data ... page 30 from 34
Extract data ... page 31 from 34
Extract data ... page 32 from 34
Extract data ... page 33 from 34
Extract data ... page 34 from 34

Here is some part of the data extract:

[{'name': 'Little Baobab',
  'reviews': '544',
  'phone': '(415) 643-3558',
  'address': '3380 19th St',
  'neighborhood': 'Mission'},
 {'name': 'The House',
  'reviews': '4354',
  'phone': '(415) 986-8612',
  'address': '1230 Grant Ave',
  'neighborhood': 'North Beach/Telegraph Hill'},
 {'name': 'Fog Harbor Fish House',
  'reviews': '4517',
  'phone': '(415) 421-2442',
  'address': 'Pier 39',
  'neighborhood': "Fisherman's Wharf"},
 {'name': 'Gary Danko',
  'reviews': '4874',
  'phone': '(415) 749-2060',
  'address': '800 N Point St',
  'neighborhood': 'Russian Hill'},
 {'name': 'Marlowe',
  'reviews': '2485',
  'phone': '(415) 777-1413',
  'address': '500 Brannan St',
  'neighborhood': 'Mission Bay'}]

Now let’s convert the data to a DataFrame object:

from pandas import DataFrame

restaurants = DataFrame(data)

The results is:

# Show the ten firsts items

address name neighborhood phone reviews
0 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
1 1230 Grant Ave The House North Beach/Telegraph Hill (415) 986-8612 4354
2 Pier 39 Fog Harbor Fish House Fisherman's Wharf (415) 421-2442 4517
3 800 N Point St Gary Danko Russian Hill (415) 749-2060 4874
4 500 Brannan St Marlowe Mission Bay (415) 777-1413 2485
5 3870 17th St Frances Castro (415) 621-3870 1416
6 974 Valencia St Loló Mission (415) 643-5656 1868
7 1382 9th Ave Ushi Taro Inner Sunset (415) 702-6014 39
8 652 Polk St Brenda’s French Soul Food Tenderloin (415) 345-8100 9545
9 1782 Haight St What The Cluck SF The Haight (415) 702-6777 53

Data Cleaning

Before saves the data into a file, let’s check if there is any null, empty or duplicate value:

# Check if there is any null value in DataFrame
# Check if there is any empty value in DataFrame
no_address = len(restaurants[restaurants['address'] == ''])
no_name = len(restaurants[restaurants['name'] == ''])
no_neighborhood = len(restaurants[restaurants['neighborhood'] == ''])
no_phone = len(restaurants[restaurants['phone'] == ''])
no_reviews = len(restaurants[restaurants['reviews'] == ''])

print('Column \t\t empty values')
print('address \t ', no_address)
print('name \t\t ', no_name)
print('neighborhood \t ', no_neighborhood)
print('phone \t\t ', no_phone)
print('reviews \t ', no_reviews)
Column 		 empty values
address 	  122
name 		  99
neighborhood 	  106
phone 		  119
reviews 	  99

As presented above, there is a lot of empty values in the data. This happens because the Yelp site does not have all the information for some restaurants.

Let’s remove these items:

restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['address'] != '']
restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['name'] != '']
restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['neighborhood'] != '']
restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['phone'] != '']
restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['reviews'] != '']
# Check if there is any duplicate value in DataFrame

address name neighborhood phone reviews
34 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
68 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
102 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
136 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
170 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
204 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
238 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
272 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
273 600 Guerrero St Tartine Bakery & Cafe Mission (415) 487-2600 7295
306 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
340 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
374 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
408 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
409 903 Cortland Ave Nute’s Bernal Heights (415) 260-0192 127
442 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
476 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
510 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
544 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
578 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
579 3673 Sacramento St Magic Flute Ristorante Presidio Heights (415) 922-1225 510
612 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
646 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
680 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
681 3435 Mission St El Buen Comer Bernal Heights (415) 817-1542 232
714 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
748 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
782 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
816 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
850 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
884 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
918 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
952 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
986 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
1020 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
1054 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544
1088 3380 19th St Little Baobab Mission (415) 643-3558 544

So there are various duplicated items. Most of them are about the Little Baobab restaurant, this happens because Yelp can promote some restaurants (Advertisement), so these promoted restaurants are shown on all pages, and the scraping script captures them several times.

Let’s remove duplicate items:


For a better presentation, let’s change the columns order in our dataset.

restaurants = restaurants[['name', 'neighborhood', 'address', 'phone', 'reviews']]

name neighborhood address phone reviews
0 Little Baobab Mission 3380 19th St (415) 643-3558 544
1 The House North Beach/Telegraph Hill 1230 Grant Ave (415) 986-8612 4354
2 Fog Harbor Fish House Fisherman's Wharf Pier 39 (415) 421-2442 4517
3 Gary Danko Russian Hill 800 N Point St (415) 749-2060 4874
4 Marlowe Mission Bay 500 Brannan St (415) 777-1413 2485

In the end, we have 949 restaurants in our dataset.

The last step is to convert the columns for the correct type.

name            object
neighborhood    object
address         object
phone           object
reviews         object
dtype: object

We can see that the reviews column is treated as a string type (object), let’s convert it to a numeric type (int):

restaurants['reviews'] = restaurants['reviews'].astype(int)
name            object
neighborhood    object
address         object
phone           object
reviews          int32
dtype: object

Finally, let’s save the data into a CSV file:

restaurants.to_csv('datasets/yelp_restaurants_sanFranscisco.csv', index=False)

Data Analysis

Now I present a simple analysis of the restaurant’s data.

Top 10 reviewed restaurants

Let’s see the ten restaurants with more reviews:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
% matplotlib inline

# Get top 10 restaurants
top10 = restaurants[['name', 'reviews']].sort_values('reviews',ascending=False).head(10).sort_values('reviews')

# Plot 


Brenda’s French Soul Food is the restaurant with more reviews.

Neighborhood with more restaurants

Let’s take the 10 neighborhoods with more restaurants in San Francisco.

top_neighbor = restaurants['neighborhood'].value_counts().head(10)


The Mission is the neighborhood with more restaurants.

But if we consisder all restaurants, the proportion (%) is:

plt.xlabel('PROPORTION (%)')



In this post, I’ve described a scraping script for, followed by data cleaning and analysis procedures.

These tasks could be done for any other type of information from Yelp.

Source code

The source code is available at Github.
