This project presents a code/kernel used in a Kaggle competition promoted by Data Science Academy in December of 2019.

The aim of this competition is to build a predictive model that can predict the probability that a particular claim will be approved immediately by or not insurance company based on the resources available at the beginning of the process, helping the insurance company to accelerate the payment release process and thus provide better service to the client.

Competition page:


Claims should be carefully evaluated by the insurer, which may take time. Even simple claims need to be review by someone.


Build a predictive model that can predict the probability that a particular claim will be approved immediately or not based on historical and anonymous data.


My goal is not to predict whether a new order should be approved immediately, but to predict the probability of immediate approval of each claim. This allows the insurer to prioritize orders over 80% likely to be approved immediately, for example.

I’ve used Python to perform an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using visual and quantitative methods to understand and summarize a dataset without making any assumptions about its contents. Then I’ve performed Data Cleaning and built several Machine Learning models to compute the probability of occurrence of diabetes. The Logistic Regression model presented the best results.


The evaluation metric for this competition is Log Loss (the smaller the better).

In this competition my best score was 0.4929 and I got position 38 on the leaderboard.

Source code

The solution is also available at Github.


How to use

  • You will need Python 3.5+ to run the code.
  • Python can be downloaded here.
  • You have to install some Python packages, in command prompt/Terminal: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Once you have installed the required packages, just clone/download this project: git clone
  • Access the project folder in command prompt/Terminal and run the following command: jupyter-lab

The datasets are available on the competition’s pages.

Files description:

  • kernel.ipynb - the Jupyter Notebook file with all project workflow (data cleaning, preparation, analysis, machine learning, etc.).
  • dataset_treino.csv - contains the training dataset with 114,321 rows (claims) and 133 columns (features).
  • dataset_teste.csv - contains the test dataset with 114,393 rows and 132 columns.
  • sample_submission.csv - a sample of the submission file.

Predicting immediate approval of claims

This project aims to build a predictive model that can predict the probability that a particular claim will be approved immediately or not by the insurance company.

The evaluation metric is the log loss.

See the competitions' page for further details.

Loading the datasets

# Loading useful Python packages for Data cleaning and Pre-processing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import category_encoders as ce
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 150)
# loading datasets
train_df = pd.read_csv('data/dataset_treino.csv')
test_df = pd.read_csv('data/dataset_teste.csv')

ID target v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 v17 v18 v19 v20 v21 v22 v23 v24 v25 v26 v27 v28 v29 v30 v31 v32 v33 v34 v35 v36 v37 v38 v39 v40 v41 v42 v43 v44 v45 v46 v47 v48 v49 v50 v51 v52 v53 v54 v55 v56 v57 v58 v59 v60 v61 v62 v63 v64 v65 v66 v67 v68 v69 v70 v71 v72 v73 v74 v75 v76 v77 v78 v79 v80 v81 v82 v83 v84 v85 v86 v87 v88 v89 v90 v91 v92 v93 v94 v95 v96 v97 v98 v99 v100 v101 v102 v103 v104 v105 v106 v107 v108 v109 v110 v111 v112 v113 v114 v115 v116 v117 v118 v119 v120 v121 v122 v123 v124 v125 v126 v127 v128 v129 v130 v131
0 3 1 1.335739 8.727474 C 3.921026 7.915266 2.599278 3.176895 0.012941 9.999999 0.503281 16.434108 6.085711 2.866830 11.636387 1.355013 8.571429 3.670350 0.106720 0.148883 18.869283 7.730923 XDX -1.716131e-08 C 0.139412 1.720818 3.393503 0.590122 8.880867 C A 1.083033 1.010829 7.270147 8.375452 11.326592 0.454546 0 4.012088 7.711453 7.653429 12.707581 2.015505 10.498338 9.848672 0.113561 C 12.171733 8.086643 0.899420 7.277792 G 16.747968 0.037096 1.299638 DI 3.971118 0.529802 10.890984 1.588448 15.858152 1 0.153461 6.363189 18.303925 C 9.314079 15.231789 17.142857 11.784549 F 1 1.614988 B D 2.230940 7.292418 8.571429 E 3.000000 7.528326 8.861647 0.649820 1.299638 1.707317 0.866426 9.551836 3.321300 0.095678 0.905342 A 0.442252 5.814018 3.517720 0.462019 7.436824 5.454545 8.877414 1.191337 19.470199 8.389237 2.757375 4.374296 1.574039 0.007294 12.579184 E 2.382692 3.930922 B 0.433213 O NaN 15.634907 2.857144 1.951220 6.592012 5.909091 -6.297423e-07 1.059603 0.803572 8.000000 1.989780 0.035754 AU 1.804126 3.113719 2.024285 0 0.636365 2.857144
1 4 1 NaN NaN C NaN 9.191265 NaN NaN 2.301630 NaN 1.312910 NaN 6.507647 NaN 11.636386 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.763110 GUV NaN C 3.056144 NaN NaN NaN NaN C A NaN NaN 3.615077 NaN 14.579479 NaN 0 NaN 14.305766 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.449959 E NaN NaN 1.379210 NaN G NaN 1.129469 NaN DY NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2 2.544736 NaN NaN A NaN NaN NaN 12.053353 F 2 NaN B D NaN NaN NaN D NaN 7.277655 3.430691 NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.848004 NaN 2.678584 NaN B NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.303967 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.505335 NaN B 1.825361 4.247858 A NaN U G 10.308044 NaN NaN 10.595357 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.598896 AF NaN NaN 1.957825 0 NaN NaN
2 5 1 0.943877 5.310079 C 4.410969 5.326159 3.979592 3.928571 0.019645 12.666667 0.765864 14.756098 6.384670 2.505589 9.603542 1.984127 5.882353 3.170847 0.244541 0.144258 17.952332 5.245035 FQ -2.785053e-07 E 0.113997 2.244897 5.306122 0.836005 7.499999 NaN A 1.454082 1.734693 4.043864 7.959184 12.730517 0.259740 0 7.378964 13.077201 6.173469 12.346939 2.926830 8.897561 5.343819 0.126035 C 12.711328 6.836734 0.604504 9.637627 F 15.102041 0.085573 0.765305 AS 4.030613 4.277456 9.105481 2.151361 16.075602 1 0.123643 5.517949 16.377205 A 8.367347 11.040463 5.882353 8.460654 B 3 2.413618 B B 1.963971 5.918368 11.764705 E 3.333334 10.194433 8.266200 1.530611 1.530613 2.429906 1.071429 8.447465 3.367346 0.111388 0.811447 G 0.271480 5.156559 4.214944 0.309657 5.663265 5.974026 11.588858 0.841837 15.491329 5.879353 3.292788 5.924457 1.668401 0.008275 11.670572 C 1.375753 1.184211 B 3.367348 S NaN 11.205561 12.941177 3.129253 3.478911 6.233767 -2.792745e-07 2.138728 2.238806 9.333333 2.477596 0.013452 AE 1.773709 3.922193 1.120468 2 0.883118 1.176472
3 6 1 0.797415 8.304757 C 4.225930 11.627438 2.097700 1.987549 0.171947 8.965516 6.542669 16.347483 9.646653 3.903302 14.094723 1.945044 5.517242 3.610789 1.224114 0.231630 18.376407 7.517125 ACUE -4.805344e-07 D 0.148843 1.308269 2.303640 8.926662 8.874521 C B 1.587644 1.666667 8.703550 8.898468 11.302795 0.433735 0 0.287322 11.523045 7.931035 12.935823 1.470878 12.708574 9.670823 0.108387 C 12.194855 8.591954 3.329176 4.780357 H 16.621695 0.139721 1.178161 BW 3.965517 1.732102 11.777912 1.229246 15.927390 1 0.140260 6.292979 17.011645 A 9.703065 18.568129 9.425288 13.594728 F 2 2.272541 B D 2.188198 8.213602 13.448277 B 1.947261 4.797873 13.315819 1.681034 1.379310 1.587045 1.242817 10.747144 1.408046 0.039051 1.042425 B 0.763925 5.498902 3.423944 0.832518 7.375480 6.746988 6.942002 1.334611 18.256352 8.507281 2.503055 4.872157 2.573664 0.113967 12.554274 B 2.230754 1.990131 B 2.643678 J NaN 13.777666 10.574713 1.511063 4.949609 7.180722 5.655086e-01 1.166281 1.956521 7.018256 1.812795 0.002267 CJ 1.415230 2.954381 1.990847 1 1.677108 1.034483
4 8 1 NaN NaN C NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.050328 NaN 6.320087 NaN 10.991098 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.414567 HIT NaN E NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN A NaN NaN 6.083151 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN 10.138920 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN I NaN NaN 1.364536 NaN H NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN NaN NaN C NaN NaN NaN NaN F 1 NaN B D NaN NaN NaN C NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN G NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN C NaN NaN A NaN T G 14.097099 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Z NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN

In the following lines, we’ll perform several modifications in the datasets, to evaluate the impact of such modifications we’ll save each version of the datasets as an object in a dictionary.

data = {}
data['original'] = {'train': train_df, 'test': test_df}

Data Cleaning

The first step before perform any kind of statistical analysis and modeling is to clean the data.

Let’s see the type of data we have.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114321 entries, 0 to 114320
Columns: 133 entries, ID to v131
dtypes: float64(108), int64(6), object(19)
memory usage: 116.0+ MB

From the above, we can see that this data set has 114321 rows and 133 columns.

Also, we have 114 numerical features (columns) and 19 categorical features.

Let’s see if we have null values (also know as NaN)

# There are null values?
# Null values amount for each column
v30       60110
v113      55304
v102      51316
v85       50682
v119      50680
v51       50678
v123      50678
v23       50675
v78       49895
v115      49895
v69       49895
v131      49895
v16       49895
v122      49851
v80       49851
v9        49851
v37       49843
v118      49843
v130      49843
v19       49843
v92       49843
v95       49843
v97       49843
v20       49840
v65       49840
v121      49840
v11       49836
v39       49836
v73       49836
v90       49836
v3         3457
v31        3457
v21         611
v22         500
v112        382
v34         111
v40         111
v12          86
v50          86
v10          84
v125         77
v114         30
v14           4
v52           3
v91           3
v107          3
v24           0
v38           0
v47           0
v62           0
v66           0
v129          0
v71           0
v72           0
v74           0
v75           0
v79           0
v110          0
target        0
ID            0
Length: 133, dtype: int64

So, we have a lot of null values in several columns.

Let’s check the percentage of null values for each column.

null_values = train_df.isnull().sum()
null_values = round((null_values/train_df.shape[0] * 100), 2)
v30       52.58
v113      48.38
v102      44.89
v51       44.33
v85       44.33
v23       44.33
v123      44.33
v119      44.33
v115      43.64
v78       43.64
v69       43.64
v131      43.64
v16       43.64
v122      43.61
v80       43.61
v9        43.61
v37       43.60
v130      43.60
v20       43.60
v19       43.60
v92       43.60
v95       43.60
v97       43.60
v65       43.60
v118      43.60
v121      43.60
v53       43.59
v42       43.59
v68       43.59
v67       43.59
v3         3.02
v31        3.02
v21        0.53
v22        0.44
v112       0.33
v40        0.10
v34        0.10
v12        0.08
v50        0.08
v125       0.07
v10        0.07
v114       0.03
v129       0.00
target     0.00
v107       0.00
v14        0.00
v24        0.00
v38        0.00
v47        0.00
v52        0.00
v62        0.00
v66        0.00
v71        0.00
v72        0.00
v74        0.00
v75        0.00
v79        0.00
v91        0.00
v110       0.00
ID         0.00
Length: 133, dtype: float64

Considering that we are dealing with anonymous data and we can’t know the meaning of the data, I’ll remove all columns with more than 40% of null values.

# Get the names of the columns that have more than 40% of null values
high_nan_rate_columns = null_values[null_values > 40].index

# Make a copy if the original datasets and remove the columns
train_df_cleaned = train_df.copy()
test_df_cleaned = test_df.copy()
train_df_cleaned.drop(high_nan_rate_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)
test_df_cleaned.drop(high_nan_rate_columns, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Remove the ID column (it is not useful for modeling)
train_df_cleaned.drop(['ID'], axis=1, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114321 entries, 0 to 114320
Data columns (total 30 columns):
target    114321 non-null int64
v3        110864 non-null object
v10       114237 non-null float64
v12       114235 non-null float64
v14       114317 non-null float64
v21       113710 non-null float64
v22       113821 non-null object
v24       114321 non-null object
v31       110864 non-null object
v34       114210 non-null float64
v38       114321 non-null int64
v40       114210 non-null float64
v47       114321 non-null object
v50       114235 non-null float64
v52       114318 non-null object
v56       107439 non-null object
v62       114321 non-null int64
v66       114321 non-null object
v71       114321 non-null object
v72       114321 non-null int64
v74       114321 non-null object
v75       114321 non-null object
v79       114321 non-null object
v91       114318 non-null object
v107      114318 non-null object
v110      114321 non-null object
v112      113939 non-null object
v114      114291 non-null float64
v125      114244 non-null object
v129      114321 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(8), int64(5), object(17)
memory usage: 26.2+ MB

Now we have only 30 columns in the data set.

But we still have null values that need to be handled.

null_values_columns = train_df_cleaned.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
null_values_columns = null_values_columns[null_values_columns > 0]
v56     6882
v31     3457
v3      3457
v21      611
v22      500
v112     382
v40      111
v34      111
v50       86
v12       86
v10       84
v125      77
v114      30
v14        4
v91        3
v107       3
v52        3
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114321 entries, 0 to 114320
Data columns (total 17 columns):
v56     107439 non-null object
v31     110864 non-null object
v3      110864 non-null object
v21     113710 non-null float64
v22     113821 non-null object
v112    113939 non-null object
v40     114210 non-null float64
v34     114210 non-null float64
v50     114235 non-null float64
v12     114235 non-null float64
v10     114237 non-null float64
v125    114244 non-null object
v114    114291 non-null float64
v14     114317 non-null float64
v91     114318 non-null object
v107    114318 non-null object
v52     114318 non-null object
dtypes: float64(8), object(9)
memory usage: 14.8+ MB

From the above, there are 8 numeric columns and 9 categorical columns with nulls values.

For now, we will replace the null values by the MEAN value for each numeric column and for the MODE for each of the categorical columns.

###### TRAIN DATASET ######

##### Numerical columns
null_values_columns_train = train_df_cleaned.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
numerical_col_null_values = train_df_cleaned[null_values_columns_train.index].select_dtypes(include=['float64', 'int64']).columns
# for each column
for c in numerical_col_null_values:
    # Get the mean
    mean = train_df_cleaned[c].mean()
    # replace the NaN by mode
    train_df_cleaned[c].fillna(mean, inplace=True)

##### Categorical columns
categ_col_null_values = train_df_cleaned[null_values_columns_train.index].select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns
# for each column
for c in categ_col_null_values:
    # Get the most frequent value (mode)
    mode = train_df_cleaned[c].value_counts().index[0]
    # replace the NaN by mode
    train_df_cleaned[c].fillna(mode, inplace=True)

###### TEST DATASET ######

##### Numerical columns
null_values_columns_test = test_df_cleaned.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
numerical_col_null_values = list(test_df_cleaned[null_values_columns_test.index].select_dtypes(include=['float64', 'int64']).columns)
# for each column
for c in numerical_col_null_values:
    # Get the mean
    mean = test_df_cleaned[c].mean()
    # replace the NaN by mode
    test_df_cleaned[c].fillna(mean, inplace=True)

##### Categorical columns
categ_col_null_values = test_df_cleaned[null_values_columns_test.index].select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns
# for each column
for c in categ_col_null_values:
    # Get the most frequent value (mode)
    mode = test_df_cleaned[c].value_counts().index[0]
    # replace the NaN by mode
    test_df_cleaned[c].fillna(mode, inplace=True)
# There are null values?
# Save the list of current columns
selected_columns = list(train_df_cleaned.columns)
selected_columns_test = selected_columns[:]

# Filter the columns in the test dataset
test_df_cleaned = test_df_cleaned[list(selected_columns_test)]

# Save the datasets in dict
data['cleaned_v1'] = {'train': train_df_cleaned.copy(), 'test':test_df_cleaned.copy()}

Data Analysis

Now that the dataset is cleaned, let’s compute some statistics about the data and perform the transformations.

We’ll use the Pandas Profiling library to create a report about the data.


This procedure generate a 17 MB file with the report, to see it, download the HTML version of the kernel here.

From the report, we can see some issues in the dataset.

There are features highly correlated, with a lot of zero values and with high cardinality.

Let’s check each one of these issues and see if we should remove or transform these features.

Features highly correlated

From report the following features are highly correlated:

  • v12 is highly correlated with v10 (ρ = 0.9117725571)
  • v34 is highly correlated with v114 (ρ = 0.9118410589)

These high correlations could mean that the features are multicollinear.

Multicollinearity happens when one predictor variable in a multiple regression model can be linearly predicted from the others with a high degree of accuracy. This can lead to model overfitting and skewed or misleading results.

So, we need to remove some of these features. As we don’t know the meaning of the features, for now, we will just remove the v12 and v114. We can come back to this latter and change the removed features to see the impact in results.

selected_columns = list(train_df_cleaned.columns)
# Remove the selected columns

Features with highly cardinality

From the report, the following categorical features have high cardinality:

  • v125 has a high cardinality: 90 distinct values
  • v22 has a high cardinality: 18210 distinct values
  • v56 has a high cardinality: 122 distinct values
  • v112 has a high cardinality: 22 distinct values

High cardinality means that the categorical feature has a large number of distinct values.

Features with high cardinality are hard to encode.

For now, we’ll remove then.

# Remove the selected columns

# Save the list of current columns
selected_columns_test = selected_columns[:]

# Filter the columns in the train dataset
train_df_cleaned = train_df_cleaned[selected_columns].copy()
# Filter the columns in the test dataset
test_df_cleaned = test_df_cleaned[selected_columns_test].copy()

# Save the datasets in dict
data['cleaned_v2'] = {'train': train_df_cleaned.copy(), 'test':test_df_cleaned.copy()}

Features with many zeros.

From the report, the following numerical features have high number of zeros:

  • v129 has 90247 (78.9%) zeros
  • v38 has 109724 (96.0%) zeros
  • v62 has 20630 (18.0%) zeros
  • v72 has 3355 (2.9%) zeros

Again, we don’t know the meaning of these features, we can’t tell what the high number of zeros could mean.

As the features v129 and v38 are zero for almost all rows, we’ll remove them.

# Remove the selected columns
# Save the list of current columns
selected_columns_test = selected_columns[:]

# Filter the columns in the train dataset
train_df_cleaned = train_df_cleaned[selected_columns].copy()
# Filter the columns in the test dataset
test_df_cleaned = test_df_cleaned[selected_columns_test].copy()

# Save the datasets in dict
data['cleaned_v3'] = {'train': train_df_cleaned.copy(), 'test': test_df_cleaned.copy()}

Feature Engineering

Now, it’s time to transform our data to feed some machine learning models.

Enconding categorical features

Some ML algorithms can’t handle categorical features (ex: Logistic Regression, SVM, etc.)

Better encoding of categorical data can mean better model performance.

There are different methods for encoding nominal and ordinal data. But as we don’t know the meaning of categorical features we’ll consider all categorical features as nominal.

For nominal columns, we can use methods like OneHot, Hashing, LeaveOneOut, and Target encoding. But we should avoid OneHot for high cardinality columns and decision tree-based algorithms.

First, let’s compute the cardinality for categorical features.

train_df_cleaned = data['cleaned_v2']['train'].copy()
test_df_cleaned = data['cleaned_v2']['test'].copy()
Index(['v3', 'v24', 'v31', 'v47', 'v52', 'v66', 'v71', 'v74', 'v75', 'v79',
       'v91', 'v107', 'v110'],
# Before encoding categorical variables we need to convert the categorical data from "object" to "category"
# Train
for col_name in train_df_cleaned.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns:    
    train_df_cleaned[col_name] = train_df_cleaned[col_name].astype('category')

# Test
for col_name in test_df_cleaned.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns:
    test_df_cleaned[col_name] = test_df_cleaned[col_name].astype('category')


v3 v24 v31 v47 v52 v66 v71 v74 v75 v79 v91 v107 v110
count 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321 114321
unique 3 5 3 10 12 3 9 3 4 18 7 7 3
top C E A C J A F B D C A E A
freq 114041 55177 91804 55425 11106 70353 75094 113560 75087 34561 27082 27082 55688

One of the most used encoding methods for nominal data is the OneHot, where each unique value is converted into a new column with 1 or a 0 denoting the presence or absence of this value. But, this method creates a new column for each unique value in the column, so if the cardinality is high, the number of new columns could lead us to new issues due to the number of features.

The columns v47, v52, v71, v91, v107, and v79 have high cardinality, so they need special treatment.

In the following lines, we’ll split the datasets into three versions, one with the OneHot applied in all categorical columns, another version with OneHot applied to the low cardinality features and Hashing to the high cardinality variables and the last where all categorical variables are removed.

##### VERSION 1
# Encoding all categorical variables with OneHot
cat_columns = ['v3', 'v24',  'v31', 'v66', 'v74', 'v75', 'v110', 'v47', 'v52','v71', 'v91', 'v107', 'v79']
ce_onehot = ce.OneHotEncoder(cols=cat_columns)

# For columns v47 and v79, the are some values only present in the train dataset. Thus, the enconding process create a different number of columns 
# in train and test dataset and prevents the model prediction. So before save the datasets I remove the extra columns 'v47_10', 'v79_18'.
# Apply the encoding
data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1'] = {'train':ce_onehot.fit_transform(train_df_cleaned).drop(['v47_10', 'v79_18'], axis=1), 
                                              'test': ce_onehot.fit_transform(test_df_cleaned)}
Index(['target', 'v3_1', 'v3_2', 'v3_3', 'v10', 'v14', 'v21', 'v24_1', 'v24_2',
       'v24_3', 'v24_4', 'v24_5', 'v31_1', 'v31_2', 'v31_3', 'v34', 'v38',
       'v40', 'v47_1', 'v47_2', 'v47_3', 'v47_4', 'v47_5', 'v47_6', 'v47_7',
       'v47_8', 'v47_9', 'v50', 'v52_1', 'v52_2', 'v52_3', 'v52_4', 'v52_5',
       'v52_6', 'v52_7', 'v52_8', 'v52_9', 'v52_10', 'v52_11', 'v52_12', 'v62',
       'v66_1', 'v66_2', 'v66_3', 'v71_1', 'v71_2', 'v71_3', 'v71_4', 'v71_5',
       'v71_6', 'v71_7', 'v71_8', 'v71_9', 'v72', 'v74_1', 'v74_2', 'v74_3',
       'v75_1', 'v75_2', 'v75_3', 'v75_4', 'v79_1', 'v79_2', 'v79_3', 'v79_4',
       'v79_5', 'v79_6', 'v79_7', 'v79_8', 'v79_9', 'v79_10', 'v79_11',
       'v79_12', 'v79_13', 'v79_14', 'v79_15', 'v79_16', 'v79_17', 'v91_1',
       'v91_2', 'v91_3', 'v91_4', 'v91_5', 'v91_6', 'v91_7', 'v107_1',
       'v107_2', 'v107_3', 'v107_4', 'v107_5', 'v107_6', 'v107_7', 'v110_1',
       'v110_2', 'v110_3', 'v129'],
Index(['v3_1', 'v3_2', 'v3_3', 'v10', 'v14', 'v21', 'v24_1', 'v24_2', 'v24_3',
       'v24_4', 'v24_5', 'v31_1', 'v31_2', 'v31_3', 'v34', 'v38', 'v40',
       'v47_1', 'v47_2', 'v47_3', 'v47_4', 'v47_5', 'v47_6', 'v47_7', 'v47_8',
       'v47_9', 'v50', 'v52_1', 'v52_2', 'v52_3', 'v52_4', 'v52_5', 'v52_6',
       'v52_7', 'v52_8', 'v52_9', 'v52_10', 'v52_11', 'v52_12', 'v62', 'v66_1',
       'v66_2', 'v66_3', 'v71_1', 'v71_2', 'v71_3', 'v71_4', 'v71_5', 'v71_6',
       'v71_7', 'v71_8', 'v71_9', 'v72', 'v74_1', 'v74_2', 'v74_3', 'v75_1',
       'v75_2', 'v75_3', 'v75_4', 'v79_1', 'v79_2', 'v79_3', 'v79_4', 'v79_5',
       'v79_6', 'v79_7', 'v79_8', 'v79_9', 'v79_10', 'v79_11', 'v79_12',
       'v79_13', 'v79_14', 'v79_15', 'v79_16', 'v79_17', 'v91_1', 'v91_2',
       'v91_3', 'v91_4', 'v91_5', 'v91_6', 'v91_7', 'v107_1', 'v107_2',
       'v107_3', 'v107_4', 'v107_5', 'v107_6', 'v107_7', 'v110_1', 'v110_2',
       'v110_3', 'v129', 'ID'],
##### VERSION 2
# Encoding categorical variables with low cardinality with OneHot
low_cardinality_columns = ['v3', 'v24',  'v31', 'v66', 'v74', 'v75', 'v110']
ce_onehot = ce.OneHotEncoder(cols=low_cardinality_columns)

# Apply the encoding 
train_df_cleaned_transformed = ce_onehot.fit_transform(train_df_cleaned)
test_df_cleaned_transformed = ce_onehot.fit_transform(test_df_cleaned)

For the categorical features with high cardinality we will use the Hashing method.

# Encoding categorical variables with high cardinality with Hashing
high_cardinality_columns = ['v47', 'v52','v71', 'v91', 'v107', 'v79']


ce_hash = ce.HashingEncoder(max_process=1, cols = high_cardinality_columns, n_components=12)
train_df_cleaned_transformed = ce_hash.fit_transform(train_df_cleaned_transformed)
test_df_cleaned_transformed = ce_hash.fit_transform(test_df_cleaned_transformed)
data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2'] = {'train': train_df_cleaned_transformed.copy(), 'test': test_df_cleaned_transformed.copy()}

col_0 col_1 col_2 col_3 col_4 col_5 col_6 col_7 col_8 col_9 col_10 col_11 target v3_1 v3_2 v3_3 v10 v14 v21 v24_1 v24_2 v24_3 v24_4 v24_5 v31_1 v31_2 v31_3 v34 v38 v40 v50 v62 v66_1 v66_2 v66_3 v72 v74_1 v74_2 v74_3 v75_1 v75_2 v75_3 v75_4 v110_1 v110_2 v110_3 v129
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0.503281 11.636387 7.730923 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7.270147 0 7.711453 0.899420 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1.312910 11.636386 6.763110 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3.615077 0 14.305766 1.379210 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0.765864 9.603542 5.245035 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4.043864 0 13.077201 0.604504 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2
3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 6.542669 14.094723 7.517125 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 8.703550 0 11.523045 3.329176 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1.050328 10.991098 6.414567 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6.083151 0 10.138920 1.364536 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
##### VERSION 3
# Removing all categorical variables with OneHot
cat_columns = ['v3', 'v24',  'v31', 'v66', 'v74', 'v75', 'v110', 'v47', 'v52','v71', 'v91', 'v107', 'v79']

# Apply the encoding
data['cleaned_dropCatg'] = {'train':train_df_cleaned.drop(columns=cat_columns, axis=1), 
                               'test': test_df_cleaned.drop(columns=cat_columns, axis=1)}


target v10 v14 v21 v34 v38 v40 v50 v62 v72 v129
0 1 0.503281 11.636387 7.730923 7.270147 0 7.711453 0.899420 1 1 0
1 1 1.312910 11.636386 6.763110 3.615077 0 14.305766 1.379210 2 2 0
2 1 0.765864 9.603542 5.245035 4.043864 0 13.077201 0.604504 1 3 2
3 1 6.542669 14.094723 7.517125 8.703550 0 11.523045 3.329176 1 2 1
4 1 1.050328 10.991098 6.414567 6.083151 0 10.138920 1.364536 1 1 0

Transforming numerical features

Let’s check the numerical features.


target v10 v14 v21 v34 v38 v40 v50 v62 v72 v129
count 114321.000000 1.143210e+05 1.143210e+05 114321.000000 1.143210e+05 114321.000000 1.143210e+05 1.143210e+05 114321.000000 114321.000000 114321.000000
mean 0.761199 1.883046e+00 1.209428e+01 7.029740 6.406236e+00 0.090928 1.046593e+01 1.504265e+00 1.030694 1.431767 0.310144
std 0.426353 1.393466e+00 1.443921e+00 1.069402 2.024195e+00 0.583478 3.167644e+00 1.167890e+00 0.696244 0.922267 0.693262
min 0.000000 -9.875317e-07 -9.738831e-07 0.106181 -6.707670e-07 0.000000 1.238996e-07 -9.091393e-07 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 1.000000 1.050328e+00 1.125602e+01 6.418755 5.055800e+00 0.000000 8.410390e+00 6.587924e-01 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
50% 1.000000 1.312910e+00 1.196783e+01 7.039366 6.534434e+00 0.000000 1.033934e+01 1.211944e+00 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
75% 1.000000 2.100657e+00 1.271577e+01 7.666522 7.701451e+00 0.000000 1.276246e+01 2.005722e+00 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000
max 1.000000 1.853392e+01 2.000000e+01 19.296052 2.000000e+01 12.000000 2.000000e+01 2.000000e+01 7.000000 12.000000 11.000000
# Plot the distribution of numerical features

# Create fig object
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(20,8))

numerical_columns = train_df_cleaned.select_dtypes(exclude=['category']).columns
numerical_columns = list(numerical_columns)

# Create a plot for each feature
x,y = 0,0
for i, column in enumerate(numerical_columns):
    sns.distplot(train_df_cleaned[column], ax=axes[x,y])
    if i < 4:
        y += 1
    elif i==4:
        x = 1
        y = 0


There are several transformations to be applied in these features, as the datasets are not that bigger, we’ll apply MinMaxScaler(), RobustScaler(), StandardScaler().

  • MinMaxScaler subtracts the mimimum value in the column and then divides by the difference between the original maximum and original minimum.
  • RobustScaler standardizes a feature by removing the median and dividing each feature by the interquartile range.
  • StandardScaler standardizes a feature by removing the mean and dividing each value by the standard deviation.
# Apply all scalings methods
scaling = {'MinMaxScaler': MinMaxScaler(),
         'RobustScaler': RobustScaler(),
         'StandardScaler': StandardScaler()

# Temporarily save transformed data sets
temp_dict = {}

# Save the list of the numerical columns of the original dataset
num_cols = list(data['original']['train'].select_dtypes(exclude=['object']).columns)

# Apply all scalings in all datasets
for d in data.keys():
    print(f"Scaling dataset: {d}")
    # Get the list of numerical columns
    cols_train = list(data[d]['train'].select_dtypes(exclude=['category','object']).columns)
    cols_test = list(data[d]['test'].select_dtypes(exclude=['category','object']).columns)
    # As the encoding process of categorical features create numerical columns
    # we need to filter these columns    
    cols_train = list(set(num_cols) & set(cols_train))
    cols_test = list(set(num_cols) & set(cols_test))
    # Apply Transformations
    for s in scaling.keys():
        print(f"   Applying {s}() ...")    
        # Make a copy of the original DFs
        train = data[d]['train'].copy()
        test = data[d]['test'].copy()
        # Apply scaling
        train[cols_train] = scaling[s].fit_transform(train[cols_train])
        test[cols_test] = scaling[s].fit_transform(test[cols_test])    
        # Save the data
        temp_dict[f"{d}_{s}"] = {'train': train.copy(), 'test': test.copy()}

# Save the new datasets in data dict        
Scaling dataset: original
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_v1
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_v2
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_v3
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
Scaling dataset: cleaned_dropCatg
   Applying MinMaxScaler() ...
   Applying RobustScaler() ...
   Applying StandardScaler() ...
dict_keys(['original', 'cleaned_v1', 'cleaned_v2', 'cleaned_v3', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2', 'cleaned_dropCatg', 'original_MinMaxScaler', 'original_RobustScaler', 'original_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v1_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v1_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v1_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v2_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v2_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v2_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v3_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v3_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v3_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler'])

Machine Learning

Now, let’s fit the datasets in some machine learning models.

# Importing packages
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV, KFold
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, classification_report, roc_auc_score, log_loss
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier
from xgboost import plot_importance
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE, ADASYN
from numpy import sort
import lightgbm as lgb
import xgboost as xgb

We have more than 20 datasets to test on the machine learning models.

Not all machine learning algorithms can be used with all datasets, some of them, like SVM, required scaling the numerical data.

So we’ll filter the datasets used in training/tests.

# A function to run train and test for each model
def run_model(name, model, X_train, Y_train, cv_folds=5, verbose=True):   
    if verbose: print(f"{name}")
    # Use Stratified ShuffleSplit cross-validator
    # Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets.
    n_folds = 5
    sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=cv_folds, test_size=0.30, random_state=10)

    # Control the number of folds in cross-validation (5 folds)
    acc = 0
    roc = 0
    log_loss_score = 0
    # From the generator object gets index for series to use in train and validation
    for train_index, valid_index in sss.split(X_train, Y_train):

        # Saves the split train/validation combinations for each Cross-Validation fold
        X_train_cv, X_validation_cv = X_train.loc[train_index,:], X_train.loc[valid_index,:]
        Y_train_cv, Y_validation_cv = Y_train[train_index], Y_train[valid_index]
        #print(f"Fold: {k}") 
        # Training the model
  , Y_train_cv, eval_set=[(X_train_cv, Y_train_cv), (X_validation_cv, Y_validation_cv)], eval_metric='logloss', verbose=False )        
      , Y_train_cv, eval_set=[(X_train_cv, Y_train_cv), (X_validation_cv, Y_validation_cv)], verbose=False)        
          , Y_train_cv, verbose=False)
          , Y_train_cv)
        # Get the class probabilities of the input samples        
        train_pred = model.predict(X_validation_cv)
        train_pred_prob = model.predict_proba(X_validation_cv)[:,1]
        acc += accuracy_score(Y_validation_cv, train_pred)
        roc += roc_auc_score(Y_validation_cv, train_pred_prob)
        log_loss_score += log_loss(Y_validation_cv, train_pred_prob)   
        k += 1
    # Compute the mean
    if verbose:
        print("Accuracy : %.4g" % (acc/(k-1)))
        print("AUC Score: %f" % (roc/(k-1)))
        print("Log Loss: %f" % (log_loss_score/(k-1)))

    # Return the last version 
    return (model, log_loss_score/(k-1))
['original', 'cleaned_v1', 'cleaned_v2', 'cleaned_v3', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2', 'cleaned_dropCatg', 'original_MinMaxScaler', 'original_RobustScaler', 'original_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v1_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v1_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v1_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v2_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v2_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v2_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_v3_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_v3_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_v3_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler']

We’ll choose all datasets with scaled and cleaned data and will try several classification models as described below.

models = {}

# From previous analysis I see that KNN, Random Forest and Extra Trees had poor results and SVM took to long to run, I'll remove them from the models list

models['LogisticRegression'] = LogisticRegression()
models['LinearDiscriminantAnalysis'] = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
#models['KNeighborsClassifier'] = KNeighborsClassifier(n_jobs=-1)
#models['SVM'] = SVC(probability=True)
#models['RandomForestClassifier'] = RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1)
#models['ExtraTreesClassifier'] = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_jobs=-1)
models['LGBMClassifier'] = lgb.LGBMClassifier(objective='binary', 
                                             verbose = 0)

# The model parameters were taken from
# Thanks Rodrigo Lima for sharing his kernel
models['XGBClassifier'] = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,
                          n_estimators = 200,
                          max_depth = 5,
                          min_child_weight = 1,
                          gamma = 0,
                          subsample = 0.8,
                          colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                          objective = 'binary:logistic',
                          n_jobs = -1,
                          scale_pos_weight = 1,
                          verbose = False,
                          seed = 32)

# When performing classification you often want to predict not only the class label, but also the associated probability. 
# This probability gives you some kind of confidence on the prediction. 
# However, not all classifiers provide well-calibrated probabilities, some being over-confident while others being under-confident. 
# Thus, a separate calibration of predicted probabilities is often desirable as a postprocessing.
#models['Calibrated_LogisticRegression'] = CalibratedClassifierCV(LogisticRegression())
#models['Calibrated_LinearDiscriminantAnalysis'] = CalibratedClassifierCV(LinearDiscriminantAnalysis())
#models['Calibrated_KNeighborsClassifier'] = CalibratedClassifierCV(KNeighborsClassifier(n_jobs=-1))
#models['Calibrated_SVM'] = CalibratedClassifierCV(models['SVM'])

# Splitting features and targets for train data
datasets = ['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler', 
            'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler', 
            'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler', 
            'cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler', 'cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler']

results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Dataset', 'Model', 'Logloss'])

# loop through all datasets and ML models
for d in datasets:
    train = data[d]['train']
    train_x = train.drop(['target'], axis=1)
    train_y = train['target']
    print(f'###### DATASET: {d} ######')
    for m in models.keys():
        # Train and test the model
        models[m], log_loss_result = run_model(m, models[m], train_x, train_y)  
        # Save Results
        results = results.append({'Dataset' : d , 'Model' : m, 'Logloss': log_loss_result} , ignore_index=True)
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7744
AUC Score: 0.729911
Log Loss: 0.487398
Accuracy : 0.7702
AUC Score: 0.723778
Log Loss: 0.490958
Accuracy : 0.6692
AUC Score: 0.748472
Log Loss: 0.573621
Accuracy : 0.7816
AUC Score: 0.749879
Log Loss: 0.468973
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7753
AUC Score: 0.730191
Log Loss: 0.487333
Accuracy : 0.7702
AUC Score: 0.723778
Log Loss: 0.490958
Accuracy : 0.6685
AUC Score: 0.748429
Log Loss: 0.573623
Accuracy : 0.7817
AUC Score: 0.749515
Log Loss: 0.469239
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7752
AUC Score: 0.730168
Log Loss: 0.487344
Accuracy : 0.7702
AUC Score: 0.723778
Log Loss: 0.490958
Accuracy : 0.6692
AUC Score: 0.748610
Log Loss: 0.573528
Accuracy : 0.7817
AUC Score: 0.749643
Log Loss: 0.469190
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7742
AUC Score: 0.729582
Log Loss: 0.487827
Accuracy : 0.7693
AUC Score: 0.723832
Log Loss: 0.491422
Accuracy : 0.6692
AUC Score: 0.748208
Log Loss: 0.573921
Accuracy : 0.7817
AUC Score: 0.749010
Log Loss: 0.469626
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7753
AUC Score: 0.729843
Log Loss: 0.487758
Accuracy : 0.7693
AUC Score: 0.723832
Log Loss: 0.491422
Accuracy : 0.6687
AUC Score: 0.748150
Log Loss: 0.573849
Accuracy : 0.7813
AUC Score: 0.748885
Log Loss: 0.469714
###### DATASET: cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7753
AUC Score: 0.729860
Log Loss: 0.487754
Accuracy : 0.7693
AUC Score: 0.723832
Log Loss: 0.491422
Accuracy : 0.669
AUC Score: 0.748118
Log Loss: 0.573951
Accuracy : 0.7814
AUC Score: 0.748688
Log Loss: 0.469767
###### DATASET: cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7613
AUC Score: 0.704112
Log Loss: 0.503248
Accuracy : 0.7612
AUC Score: 0.700375
Log Loss: 0.506688
Accuracy : 0.6533
AUC Score: 0.719685
Log Loss: 0.601128
Accuracy : 0.7745
AUC Score: 0.721859
Log Loss: 0.489468
###### DATASET: cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7615
AUC Score: 0.704325
Log Loss: 0.503206
Accuracy : 0.7612
AUC Score: 0.700375
Log Loss: 0.506688
Accuracy : 0.6531
AUC Score: 0.720171
Log Loss: 0.600992
Accuracy : 0.7743
AUC Score: 0.721641
Log Loss: 0.489606
###### DATASET: cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler ######
Accuracy : 0.7615
AUC Score: 0.704326
Log Loss: 0.503205
Accuracy : 0.7612
AUC Score: 0.700375
Log Loss: 0.506688
Accuracy : 0.6531
AUC Score: 0.720022
Log Loss: 0.600825
Accuracy : 0.7742
AUC Score: 0.721771
Log Loss: 0.489667

Let’s check the results:


Dataset Model Logloss
3 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler XGBClassifier 0.468973
11 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler XGBClassifier 0.469190
7 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler XGBClassifier 0.469239
15 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler XGBClassifier 0.469626
19 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler XGBClassifier 0.469714
23 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler XGBClassifier 0.469767
4 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler LogisticRegression 0.487333
8 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler LogisticRegression 0.487344
0 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler LogisticRegression 0.487398
20 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler LogisticRegression 0.487754
16 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler LogisticRegression 0.487758
12 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler LogisticRegression 0.487827
27 cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler XGBClassifier 0.489468
31 cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler XGBClassifier 0.489606
35 cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler XGBClassifier 0.489667
5 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.490958
9 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.490958
1 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.490958
17 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.491422
21 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.491422
13 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.491422
32 cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler LogisticRegression 0.503205
28 cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler LogisticRegression 0.503206
24 cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler LogisticRegression 0.503248
29 cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.506688
33 cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.506688
25 cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler LinearDiscriminantAnalysis 0.506688
10 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_StandardScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573528
2 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573621
6 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_RobustScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573623
18 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_RobustScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573849
14 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_MinMaxScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573921
22 cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v2_StandardScaler LGBMClassifier 0.573951
34 cleaned_dropCatg_StandardScaler LGBMClassifier 0.600825
30 cleaned_dropCatg_RobustScaler LGBMClassifier 0.600992
26 cleaned_dropCatg_MinMaxScaler LGBMClassifier 0.601128

As we can see, the best is from the cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler dataset and XGBClassifier model.

Let’s see the models with best results

#sns.stripplot(x = 'Model', y = 'Logloss', data = results, jitter = True)

chart = sns.stripplot(x = 'Model', y = 'Logloss', data = results)
chart.set_xticklabels(chart.get_xticklabels(), rotation=55); 


Let’s check the results for each dataset:

chart = sns.stripplot(x = 'Dataset', y = 'Logloss', data = results)
chart.set_xticklabels(chart.get_xticklabels(), rotation=55); 


Feature Selection

Our model has a lot of features, let’s see the importance of each feature in the prediction process.

train = data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler']['train']
train_x = train.drop(['target'], axis=1)
train_y = train['target']

# train model
best_model = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,
                    n_estimators = 200,
                    max_depth = 5,
                    min_child_weight = 1,
                    gamma = 0,
                    subsample = 0.8,
                    colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                    objective = 'binary:logistic',
                    n_jobs = -1,
                    scale_pos_weight = 1,
                    verbose = False,
                    seed = 32), train_y, eval_metric='logloss', verbose=False )        

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(17,15))
plot_importance(best_model, ax=ax)


Now, that we know the importance of each feature, let’s evaluate the results when removing the less important features.

# Fit model using each importance as a threshold
thresholds = sort(best_model.feature_importances_)

# Split the dataset
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train_x, train_y, test_size=0.3, random_state=7)

# Evaluate the result for several thresholds (different number of features)
for thresh in sort(list(set(thresholds))):
    # select features using threshold
    selection = SelectFromModel(best_model, threshold=thresh, prefit=True)
    select_X_train = selection.transform(X_train)
    # train model
    selection_model = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,
                    n_estimators = 200,
                    max_depth = 5,
                    min_child_weight = 1,
                    gamma = 0,
                    subsample = 0.8,
                    colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                    objective = 'binary:logistic',
                    n_jobs = -1,
                    scale_pos_weight = 1,
                    verbose = False,
                    seed = 32)
, y_train, eval_metric='logloss', verbose=False )        
    # eval model    
    select_X_test = selection.transform(X_test)
    y_pred = selection_model.predict(select_X_test)        
    train_pred_prob = selection_model.predict_proba(select_X_test)[:,1]    
    log_loss_score = log_loss(y_test, train_pred_prob)   
    print("Thresh=%.3f, n=%d, logloss: %.6f" % (thresh, select_X_train.shape[1], log_loss_score))

Thresh=0.000, n=95, logloss: 0.468835
Thresh=0.001, n=82, logloss: 0.469082
Thresh=0.002, n=81, logloss: 0.468746
Thresh=0.002, n=80, logloss: 0.469428
Thresh=0.002, n=79, logloss: 0.469242
Thresh=0.002, n=78, logloss: 0.469183
Thresh=0.003, n=77, logloss: 0.469433
Thresh=0.003, n=76, logloss: 0.469526
Thresh=0.003, n=75, logloss: 0.469013
Thresh=0.003, n=74, logloss: 0.469127
Thresh=0.003, n=73, logloss: 0.468770
Thresh=0.003, n=72, logloss: 0.468592
Thresh=0.004, n=71, logloss: 0.468956
Thresh=0.004, n=70, logloss: 0.468822
Thresh=0.004, n=69, logloss: 0.469150
Thresh=0.004, n=68, logloss: 0.469049
Thresh=0.004, n=67, logloss: 0.469318
Thresh=0.004, n=66, logloss: 0.468910
Thresh=0.004, n=65, logloss: 0.468939
Thresh=0.004, n=64, logloss: 0.469407
Thresh=0.004, n=63, logloss: 0.469481
Thresh=0.004, n=62, logloss: 0.469235
Thresh=0.004, n=61, logloss: 0.469256
Thresh=0.004, n=60, logloss: 0.469047
Thresh=0.004, n=59, logloss: 0.469205
Thresh=0.004, n=58, logloss: 0.468930
Thresh=0.004, n=57, logloss: 0.469266
Thresh=0.004, n=56, logloss: 0.469182
Thresh=0.005, n=55, logloss: 0.469258
Thresh=0.005, n=54, logloss: 0.469349
Thresh=0.005, n=53, logloss: 0.469363
Thresh=0.005, n=52, logloss: 0.469306
Thresh=0.005, n=51, logloss: 0.469264
Thresh=0.005, n=50, logloss: 0.469304
Thresh=0.005, n=49, logloss: 0.468915
Thresh=0.005, n=48, logloss: 0.468851
Thresh=0.005, n=47, logloss: 0.469583
Thresh=0.005, n=46, logloss: 0.468976
Thresh=0.005, n=45, logloss: 0.469182
Thresh=0.005, n=44, logloss: 0.469065
Thresh=0.005, n=43, logloss: 0.469279
Thresh=0.005, n=42, logloss: 0.469422
Thresh=0.005, n=41, logloss: 0.469245
Thresh=0.006, n=40, logloss: 0.469786
Thresh=0.006, n=39, logloss: 0.469703
Thresh=0.006, n=38, logloss: 0.469336
Thresh=0.006, n=37, logloss: 0.469417
Thresh=0.006, n=36, logloss: 0.469500
Thresh=0.006, n=35, logloss: 0.469238
Thresh=0.006, n=34, logloss: 0.469542
Thresh=0.006, n=33, logloss: 0.469481
Thresh=0.006, n=32, logloss: 0.469458
Thresh=0.006, n=31, logloss: 0.469541
Thresh=0.006, n=30, logloss: 0.469725
Thresh=0.006, n=29, logloss: 0.469861
Thresh=0.007, n=28, logloss: 0.469833
Thresh=0.007, n=27, logloss: 0.471707
Thresh=0.007, n=26, logloss: 0.471710
Thresh=0.007, n=25, logloss: 0.471684
Thresh=0.007, n=24, logloss: 0.472283
Thresh=0.008, n=23, logloss: 0.472345
Thresh=0.008, n=22, logloss: 0.472347
Thresh=0.008, n=21, logloss: 0.472441
Thresh=0.008, n=20, logloss: 0.472578
Thresh=0.009, n=19, logloss: 0.472788
Thresh=0.010, n=18, logloss: 0.473171
Thresh=0.010, n=17, logloss: 0.473237
Thresh=0.011, n=16, logloss: 0.473219
Thresh=0.012, n=15, logloss: 0.474140
Thresh=0.012, n=14, logloss: 0.475123
Thresh=0.013, n=13, logloss: 0.475140
Thresh=0.013, n=12, logloss: 0.475730
Thresh=0.015, n=11, logloss: 0.475717
Thresh=0.017, n=10, logloss: 0.477280
Thresh=0.019, n=9, logloss: 0.477533
Thresh=0.031, n=8, logloss: 0.477939
Thresh=0.038, n=7, logloss: 0.477914
Thresh=0.044, n=6, logloss: 0.484224
Thresh=0.046, n=5, logloss: 0.484473
Thresh=0.049, n=4, logloss: 0.516446
Thresh=0.072, n=3, logloss: 0.516690
Thresh=0.096, n=2, logloss: 0.527583
Thresh=0.178, n=1, logloss: 0.531174

As we see in the results, the removal of the lessen important features does not improve the results. Let’s keep all the current features.

Imbalanced datasets

Most machine learning algorithms work better when the number of instances of each class are roughly equal.

Let’s see the class distribution for the training dataset.

train = data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler']['train']
print('bar', title='Count (target)');
1    87021
0    27300
Name: target, dtype: int64


The training dataset is imbalanced.


Let’s use the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to improve the class distribution.

train_x = train.drop(['target'], axis=1)
train_y = train['target']
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(train_x, train_y,
                                                  test_size = .3,

sm = SMOTE(random_state=12, sampling_strategy=0.9)#{1: 10, 0: 10})
x_train_res, y_train_res = sm.fit_sample(x_train, y_train)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x21094eae048>


The training dataset is balanced, let’s see if the results are improved.

# train model
selection_model = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,
                    n_estimators = 200,
                    max_depth = 5,
                    min_child_weight = 1,
                    gamma = 0,
                    subsample = 0.8,
                    colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                    objective = 'binary:logistic',
                    n_jobs = -1,
                    scale_pos_weight = 1,
                    verbose = False,
                    seed = 32), y_train_res, eval_metric='logloss', verbose=False )        

# eval model    
train_pred_prob = selection_model.predict_proba(x_val)[:,1]    
log_loss_score = log_loss(y_val, train_pred_prob)   

There was no improvement after the use of SMOTE.

Let’s keep the previus version of the dataset and generate the submission file.


Now let’s build the final model using the best combination of dataset and ML algorithm and create the submission file.

# Train with the model that had the best result
selection_model = XGBClassifier(learning_rate = 0.1,
                    n_estimators = 200,
                    max_depth = 5,
                    min_child_weight = 1,
                    gamma = 0,
                    subsample = 0.8,
                    colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                    objective = 'binary:logistic',
                    n_jobs = -1,
                    scale_pos_weight = 1,
                    verbose = False,
                    seed = 32)

train = data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler']['train']
train_x = train.drop(['target'], axis=1)
train_y = train['target']

final_model =, train_y, eval_metric='logloss', verbose=False )        

# Test data for submission
test  = data['cleaned_transformed_CatgEncoded_v1_MinMaxScaler']['test']
test_x = test.drop(['ID'], axis=1)

# Performing predictions
test_pred_prob = final_model.predict_proba(test_x)[:,1]
submission = pd.DataFrame({'ID': test["ID"], 'PredictedProb': test_pred_prob.reshape((test_pred_prob.shape[0]))})
   ID  PredictedProb
0   0       0.434640
1   1       0.930129
2   2       0.868351
3   7       0.749811
4  10       0.788460
5  11       0.611152
6  13       0.956794
7  14       0.580155
8  15       0.890578
9  16       0.885386
submission.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)